December 2021


Dear Parent Carer


Covid Testing in Schools – Spring Term January 2022


In order to comply with current DfE guidance around Covid-19, we will be conducting LFT tests for all of our staff and students before their return school in the New Year and thus the school will not fully re-open for face-to-face learning until Thursday 6th January 2022.  Please note that we have a plentiful supply of self-test kits stocked in school.  Should you have any requirement, please telephone or pop by the school office any time.


We have put together a schedule of testing times, which will take place over 2 days Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th January, 2022.  Your child will only need to be in school for their given slot.  Please see your child’s appointment which is being sent home in the post, together with a consent form for any parents/carers who have not completed one previously.  This will need completing and bringing with them on or before the day.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kind Regards


James Morris
